20 Minuten
The biggest news machine in Switzerland.
20 Minuten is the largest daily newspaper in Switzerland and reaches several million people every day. Obviously, only the highest standards are demanded of a relaunch of the app and the platform.
During the conception phase, user interviews were performed on the street to gain insights into the news consuming behaviour of the younger generation. Dialogue within the community was one of the major insights and this aspect was strongly prioritised during the conception phase.
The result is an award-winning platform that has seen a further significant increase in daily users. Thanks to a modern design, a close exchange with the engineers, intuitive quick actions, horizontal sections and the strengthening of the community in the comments, the fastest news engine in Switzerland has been created.
Best of Swiss Apps – Category Design – Silver
Best of Swiss Apps – Category USER EXPERIENCE & USABILITY – Bronze

Community in focus.
20minutes lives from its large and communicative community, which is why the redesign centred on components that increase interaction between readers and the app.